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Homecoming: A six week Journey of Reconnection through Storytelling, Deep Ecology and Creative Exploration

Virtual via Zoom

A six week Journey of Reconnection through Storytelling, Deep Ecology and Creative Exploration with Jennifer Ramsay, Jenny O’Hare, Gwyneth Jones. Six live sessions online via Zoom on the following dates: 2nd, 9th and 16th February and the 2nd, 9th and 16th March. The recordings and supplementary material will be available on the Teachable platform.


Ceremonia de la Rueda del Año Celta (Presencial): Imbolc

Story Arte Calle de las Eras, 14, Bajo, Hoyo de Manzanares

Ceremonia de la Rueda del Año Celta para celebrar Imbolc. En Imbolc las semillas 🌱 empiezan a brotar y se enciende la llama 🔥 de la vida y la inspiración para preparamos para la primavera 🌼🌷🌿


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