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Yule 2024 – Solsticio de Invierno en Asturias

Yule 2024 - Solsticio de Invierno en Asturias ❄️ 💫 El solsticio de invierno es el momento más oscuro del año. 💫 Si sientes la llamada para celebrar la vuelta de la luz 🪔 en comunidad... 💫 Haremos una ceremonia celta ancestral, con algunos toques escoceses, en Nava, Asturias. 📍La Sala Esnala, Nava, Asturias. 📆 Sábado 21 de Noviembre de 2024, de 18:00 a 20:00 (CET).


The Juniper Tree – Moonloza Autumn Conference Online

Moonluza via Zoom

The Juniper Tree - Jennifer Ramsay at the Moonloza Autumn Conference Online 💫 I’m thrilled to be participating in this incredible fairytale conference. 🌳 I’ll be facilitating a workshop on the story of "The Juniper Tree". 🗓️ 21st to 24th November, 2024 💜 www.moonluza.pt


Vasalisa the Wise

Onlinevents via Zoom

Exploring the Heroine's Journey through Fairy Tales - Vasalisa the Wise In this interactive online workshop, we will explore the Heroine’s Journey of Vasalisa the Wise, an ancient folk tale from Russia. After receiving a special gift from her dying mother, Vasalisa is forced to travel into the deep, dark forest in search of fire. We will accompany Vasalisa on her path and discover what is waiting for her inside Baba Yaga’s hut and how this ancient tale may resonate with us on a personal level. In this workshop: ✨ We will briefly discuss the 12 stages of The Hero’s Journey. ✨ We will explore the stages that are present in Vasalisa’s Heroine’s Journey. ✨ We will call upon the wisdom of this tale to guide us on our own life paths. ✨ We will explore the rich symbology of the story and the archetype of the witch. ✨ We will connect with the elements of fire and water. ✨ We will immerse ourselves in this tale using creative tools from the Story Arte toolbox, like visualization exercises, journaling, and expressive arts. 📅 Date: Monday November 11th, 2024 ⏰ Time: 11:00 to 13:00 (CET) / 10:00 to 12:00 (UK time) […]


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