Legal Information
Last Update: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025.
1. Legal Notice (LSSI)
In order to comply with the obligations established in the Spanish Law 34/2002 on “Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE, or LSSI)”, we hereby inform you that this Legal Notice describes the use of the present ( website (“the website” or “”), which is owned and provided by:
Responsible: Jennifer Ramsay Russell (“Jennifer Ramsay”)
Trademark: Story Arte (“Story Arte”)
NIF: 53766747S
Headquarters: Plaza Príncipe de Asturias, 3, 33520, Nava, Asturias, Spain.
Mobile Phone: +34 670 917 487
Business Areas: Storytelling, Therapies, Training and Education Services, Artistic and Literary Activities, Translation Services.
Website Users:
Website users (“the users”) are all visitors accessing and browsing through any of its pages and sections. Accessing the website implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Any products or services offered on this website that are separately contracted or eventually on the website by website users are covered by their corresponding specific Terms and Conditions.
Purchasers are all visitors eventually buying product or services offered by Jennifer Ramsay or Story Arte on the website.
Participants are all visitors contracting any services offered by Jennifer Ramsay or Story Arte on the website and/or on Jennifer Ramsay’s online training school on the “Teachable” ( platform (“Teachable”).
Website Usage:
All graphical information, written contents, multimedia elements, photographs, images, videos or any other type of digital file formats hosted or embedded in the website (“the contents”) are the intellectual property of Jennifer Ramsay as is therefore protected by Spanish and international copyright laws.
As a website user, you are responsible for the use of the website. You can NOT specifically use it for:
- Perform any illicit or illegal activities, nor those against ethical norms, good faith and public order and safety;
- Comment, broadcast or distribute racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist contents or propaganda, nor publish or disseminate any contents or propaganda against human or civil rights in general;
- Physically, intellectually or morally harm Jennifer Ramsay, her providers, her customers or any other third parties;
- Introduce or disseminate any computer viruses or malware, or whatever other physical or digital means to cause the aforementioned damages;
- Attempt to crack on other user’s email, social media accounts, or accounts of any other kinds, or to manipulate their messages and communications.
Jennifer Ramsay reserves the right to remove all comments damaging any person’s dignity and privacy rights, those discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist or against youth, children or public order and safety, or any other that she judges as non adequate. In any case, Jennifer Ramsay will NOT be responsible of any website user’s opinions disseminated via any public opinion platform or tool, nor of any personal comments made on this website.
Intellectual Property:
As previously mentioned, Jennifer Ramsay is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the website, as well as of any elements included in it, such as, but not limited to, images, sounds, photographs, videos, software, written contents and texts, graphical information, trademarks, logotypes, colour combinations, visual identity, icons, artistic elements, multimedia files, website structural elements, designs and materials, as well of any software programs required for the website’s functionality, access and usage. It is specifically and explicitly forbidden all kinds of reproduction, distribution, broadcasting and public communications, either complete or partial, of the website’s contents and software systems, on any kind of digital of physical means, formats and platforms, with or without commercial intent, without prior authorisation and confirmation from Jennifer Ramsay either by physical or electronic means.
As an user, you commit and are obliged to respect all Jennifer Ramsay’s copyrights. Accordingly, the user is allowed to visualize, print or store on digital or virtual devices such materials and contents, but exclusively only for his/her own personal and private use. Users are forbidden to distribute, disseminate or reproduce such contents and materials commercially nor freely to any third parties, nor perform any transformation on them. In any case, it is always required to mention Jennifer Ramsay and this website every time such contents and materials are approved for sharing on social media or other electronic means, without any total or partial modification.
Specifically, you are NOT allowed to share any full or partial excerpts of any courses, books, blog posts or any other parts of this website or of Jennifer Ramsay’s online training school on “Teachable” (, including any mentions to any eventual third parties.
Exclusion of Guarantees and Responsibility:
Jennifer Ramsay has proactively adopted all technological preventive measures at her reach in this website to avoid harms and risks of any kind, like for example errors and omissions on contents, website system downtime, virus and malware dissemination or the users’ privacy. Therefore, Jennifer Ramsay can NOT take any responsibility as a consequence of contents, actions, improper use or abuse of any third parties or failure of such preventive measures.
Users shall refrain from suppressing, altering, eluding or manipulating any protection device or security system in use on the website.
Jennifer Ramsay reserves the right to deny and remove access to the website and her online training school on “Teachable” (, and to cancel any services provided through them at any time, and without previous notice, at her judgement or upon verified third parties’ claims, to those users and visitors violating these Terms and Conditions.
Modifications and Updates:
Jennifer Ramsay reserves the right to make any modifications and to apply any updates she deems necessary on this website or her online training school on “Teachable” (, without any prior notice. All contents and services are subject to change, modification, removal, addition, updates or corrections, as well as any ways to present and design them.
Jennifer Ramsay no control on external contents eventually linked from the website or from her online training school on “Teachable” ( Therefore, she can’t assume any responsibility of such external contents. Linking to them means no association, endorsement, collaboration, participation, approval, promotion or support of the corresponding external websites and services.
Guarantee of Results:
Jennifer Ramsay can NOT be held responsible of the users’, purchasers’ or participants’ success or failure when applying the information received from this website, the online training available on her online training school on “Teachable” ( or from the services and products she offers. The user, purchaser or participant will be responsible of the application of learning and deliverables from the materials, courses, workshops and activities offered by Jennifer Ramsay. The information made available through this website or Jennifer Ramsay’s online training school on “Teachable” ( does NOT replace or substitute any medical advice or professional services from other qualified specialists, in all cases in which such recommendations are required. Thus, the information available through this website must be understood as guidance.
Modification, Updates and Validity of the Present Terms and Conditions:
Jennifer Ramsay can modify, update and change these Terms and Conditions without any previous notice. They will be valid as long as they remain published. In any case, this Legal Information will always state the latest date of update.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:
The resolution of any disputes or issues related to this website shall be governed by Spanish law. The parties expressly submit all conflicts arising from or related to their use to Spanish jurisdiction, with the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid being the competent authorities for the resolution of these disputes. Jennifer Ramsay reserves the right, at any time, to exercise legal action against any person or entity making inappropriate or unlawful use of the website or her online training school on “Teachable” (, or from violation of these Terms and Conditions.
2. Privacy and Data Protection Policy (GDPR)
Following the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency, we provide you with this Privacy and Data Protection Policy, which may vary depending on legislative or self-regulatory requirements. Users are advised to visit it periodically. It shall also apply in the event that users decide to fill in any contact form where personal data is collected.
Jennifer Ramsay has adapted this website to the requirements of Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, known as the Regulation of Development of the LOPD. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (GDPR), as well as with Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Responsible: Jennifer Ramsay Russell
Corporate Name: Story Arte
NIF / Tax ID: 53766747S
Registered Office: Plaza Príncipe de Asturias, 3, 33529 Nava, Asturias, España
Mobile Phone: +34 670 917 487
For what purposes do we process your personal data?
In Jennifer Ramsay, depending on the category of data subject in question, we process the information you provide for the following purposes:
- POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: Manage the potential commercial and/or professional relationship, manage the sending of requested information and/or resolve the queries raised, provide offers of our services and/or products of your interest.
- CUSTOMERS: Manage the commercial and/or professional relationship, provide offers of our services and/or products of your interest.
- SUPPLIERS: Manage the commercial and/or professional relationship.
- CANDIDATES: Manage the hiring process.
- WEB USERS: Manage the analysis of browsing data.
What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data, depending on the category of data subject concerned, may be:
- POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: Art. 6.1.b RGPD: application, at the request of the data subject, of pre-contractual measures (quotations, order forms, service offers…); Art. 6.1.f RGPD: legitimate interest (sending requested information, answering queries raised…); Art. 6.1.a RGPD: consent of the data subject himself (providing offers of our services and/or products).
- CUSTOMERS: Art. 6.1.b RGPD: execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party.
- SUPPLIERS: Art. 6.1.b RGPD: execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party.
- CANDIDATES: Art. 6.1.a RGPD: consent of the person concerned.
- WEB USERS: Art. 6.1.a RGPD: consent of the person concerned.
The data we request are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary and in no case are you obliged to provide them, but their non-communication may affect the purpose of the service or the impossibility of providing it.
How long will we keep your personal data?
Your data will be kept for the minimum time necessary for the proper provision of the service offered as well as to meet the responsibilities that may arise from it and any other legal requirement.
With which recipients will your data be shared?
Jennifer Ramsay will NOT share any of your data to any third party, unless explicitly informed.
In addition, we inform you that certain data, by virtue of the regulations in force or the contractual relationship with Jennifer Ramsay, may be communicated to:
- Banks and financial institutions for the collection of contracted services and/or purchased products.
- Public administrations with competence in the sectors of the activity of Jennifer Ramsay, when so established by the regulations in place.
- Web hosting service provider: IONOS Cloud S.L.U. (, based in Spain).
- Cloud-based management solution provider: CEGID SMB, S.A.U. (, also based in Spain).
- Email marketing provider: MailChimp – The Rocket Science Group LLC (, which is an email marketing and online campaign provider headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, which is certified for and participating in the so called EU-US Data Transfers Privacy Shield Framework; see More information available in section 20 of Mailchimp’s Standard Use Terms).
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
The data protection rights that may be exercised by data subjects, where applicable, are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject.
- Right of rectification or suppression.
- Right of opposition.
- The right to request the limitation of data treatment.
- Right to data portability.
- The right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated data processing.
The holders of the personal data obtained may exercise their personal data protection rights by sending a written communication to the registered office of Jennifer Ramsay or through the provided email addresses,
Models, forms and more information about your rights are available on the website of the national supervisory authority, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency),
Can I withdraw consent?
You have the possibility and the right to withdraw consent for any specific purpose granted at the time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
Where can I raise a complaint if I feel that my data is not being treated correctly?
If a data subject believes that his or her data is not being processed correctly by Jennifer Ramsay or that the requests for the exercise of rights have not been satisfactorily dealt with, you may file a complaint with the corresponding data protection authority, being the AEPD the one indicated in Spain,
Security and updating of your personal data
In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of the personal data provided. All this to avoid its alteration, loss, and/or treatment or unauthorized access, as required by law, although absolute security does not exist. As an example, this web site includes a digital certificate for communication over TLS 1.3 protocol with strong encryption (RSA of 4096 bits or equivalent, or higher). TLS is a security protocol that makes data travel encrypted in a complete and secure way between the server and the user’s browser in both directions.
It is important that, in order for us to keep your personal data up to date, you inform us whenever there is a change in your personal data.
We hereby inform you that your data will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality by all personnel involved in any of the processing phases. We will not transfer or communicate your data to any third party, except in the cases provided for by law, or unless the person concerned has expressly authorized us to do so.
Changes in this Privacy Policy statement:
Jennifer Ramsay reserves the right to modify, update and change the present Privacy and Data Protection Policy statement, for whichever reasons like e.g. adaptation to new laws and regulations, alignment to industry best practices, etc. In such cases, Jennifer Ramsay will inform users in advance about the upcoming changes. In any case, this Legal Information will always state the latest date of update of this Privacy and Data Protection Policy statement for informative purposes.
Commercial Email:
In accordance with the Spanish LSSI-CE law and regulations, Jennifer Ramsay do NOT use “email spam”, and so they never send promotional/commercial emails to people that have not previously consented to receive such type of communications. Consequently, the corresponding online forms require such explicit consent.
Procedure to report illicit behaviours:
Any users, visitors or third parties detecting or suspecting of any illicit use of contents from or activities on the website, shall send a notification to Jennifer Ramsay, including their own identity and accurate supporting information about such infractions, so the corresponding actions can be eventually taken.
3. Cookie Use Policy
In order to comply with the obligations established in the Spanish Law 34/2002 on “Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE, or LSSI)”, we hereby inform all users voluntarily visiting this website ( website about the browser cookie submission and treatment across the website. In fact, visiting the website implies awareness and acceptance of the present Cookie Use Policy by such users, visitors and customers.
Additionally, the website also provides visitors with an explicit mechanism, called the “Cookie Consent Plugin”, by which users are periodically requested to confirm their conformity to the website’s cookies or to freely opt out, in compliance with the legal regulations set out atthe European Union’s Directive 2009/136/EC (also known as "the Telecoms Package").
What are the Cookies?:
A “cookie” is a piece of information transmitted and stored in plain text, which may be sent to your computer, smartphone, mobile device or other type of terminal and that can be stored in small files on request from a website. They contain information that the website wants your browser to present every time you request a web page from it. In most cases cookies just contain configuration settings that you have made on the website, credentials for login, etc. Cookies are restricted in size to 4 KBytes (4 KiB) and they simply just can’t make any harm to your system. They do not have access to essential or confidential parts of your device. Moreover, they have absolutely no relationship per se with viruses, trojans, or any other kind of malicious software designed with destructive purposes.
Cookies enable us for example to:
- Secure that the website runs smoothly;
- Store the user’s most common website personalization preferences e.g. display language;
- Understand the user’s browsing experience;
- Collect anonymized statistical information.
If a cookie is sent to your device, it will ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY be to handle information for the purposes stated above. Cookies in the this website will never be used to personally identify visitors individually.
This website ( uses the following kinds of cookies:
By ownership:
- Own cookies: Directly sent and managed by the website.
By purpose:
- Technical or personalization cookies: They facilitate site navigation, session identification or configuration/storage of personalization options, e.g. the website’s display language. They enable the seamless delivery of website services.
- Analysis cookies: If used, they allow us to understand the web traffic received by every website section, as well as the traffic evolution trend over time, with the purpose of enhancing navigation, functionalities and the services provided.
By duration:
- Session cookies: Collect and store data only while the user has an established session on the website.
- Persistent cookies: Collect and store data on the user’s device for a varying period of time, the minimum required, which depends on the specific cookie purpose.
Disabling Cookies:
In any case, users will always be able to configure the use of cookies in their browsers, including the possibility to fully or partially disable all cookie use. Disabling cookie use doesn’t impede access to this website, although some services may be limited if cookies aren’t enabled. If an user want to cancel his/her cookie use consent, all cookies shall be removed from the user’s device via the corresponding cookie configuration options in the user’s browser:
- Mozilla Firefox:
- Google Chrome:
- Microsoft Edge:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Apple Safari:
- Opera: