Celtic Ceremonies
Hi, my name is Jennifer Ramsay. I’m a storyteller and a celebrant. I facilitate personalized, nature-based Handfasting ceremonies, as well as other ceremonies to celebrate the Celtic Wheel of the Year.

Handfasting is an ancient, Celtic practice where a couple commit to each other by binding their hands together with cords (tying the knot) in a symbolic wedding.
I come from the Scottish Celtic tradition and offer a personalized, nature-based handfasting ceremony based on your needs and inspired by your unique love story.
If you are attracted to Celtic culture and would like to have a creative, meaningful wedding that you will both remember and treasure for the rest of your lives, please contact me.
- Personalized Handfasting ritual
- Help with planning the ceremony
- Inspirational ideas for the vows
- Co-creation of the couple’s love story
- In Asturias and surroundings
- In English and Spanish
I follow the Celtic Wheel of the Year, an ancient 8-fold calendar focused on the cyclical change of seasons. We celebrate each of the eight festivals by gathering to connect through story, song, creativity and ritual. We reflect on what is happening in the exterior natural world and consider how this resonates with our inner natural world.
The Celtic Wheel of the Year
There are eight festivals in the Celtic calendar: The summer and winter solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes and the four fire festivals: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasa. Each festival has its unique colours, qualities and traditions.
Samhain is celebrated on October 31st. In ancient times it was the start of the Celtic new year as the Celts believed life starts in the darkness. As we move into the darker part of the year, we feel drawn to go within. Samhain is associated with death, the ancestors and entry into the other world. It is a powerful time of transformation, and it is associated with cauldrons and pumpkins. Click here for the recipe for a Samhain herbal protection amulet.
Yule takes place on the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. In the longest night of the year, in mid-winter, we celebrate the return of the light. Click here to learn more about creating a Yule log at the winter solstice.
Imbolc is around 1st February, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is associated with the goddess Brigid (aka Bride) who carries a flame and awakens the spring with her green robe. It is a time of purification, inspiration and new beginnings. I Ireland they make Brigid’s crosses with rushes and in Scotland they make Bride dolls.
Ostara falls on the spring equinox. The days and nights are equally long, we celebrate balance and renewed fertility. The symbols of Ostara are hares, eggs and seeds.
Beltane is around 1st of May. In ancient times this was the beginning of the Celtic summer. The symbol of fire is very present and traditionally people dance around the maypole interweaving colourful ribbons to celebrate abundance and fertility as the sexuality of life is at its peak.
Litha falls on the summer solstice. On mid summer’s night the sun is in its maximum vitality in the northern hemisphere. We celebrate with the element of water to ensure the upcoming harvest will be nurtured to grow and mature. It is a magical time when the veil is thin between this world and the world of the fairies. Click here for a recipe of elder flower champagne and to hear about folklore associated with the elder tree.
Lughnasa or Lammas is around August 1st. We celebrate the abundance of the cereal harvest by baking bread and we express our gratitude to Mother Earth for her generosity. Click here for instructions on making a corn harvest doll.
Mabon is the autumn equinox. Days and nights are equal in length, and we prepare to let go of what no longer serves us as the autumn leaves fall from the trees. Apples and nuts adorn the altars.

Moon Cycles
I am passionate about moonolgy and work with the magic of the lunar cycles, following the monthly cycle of the moon to help create the life I dream of. The new moon is the time to connect with inner wishes and set intentions and the light of the full moon is ideal for reflecting on your live.
In Story Arte we tune into the different lunar energies as the moon moves through the different signs of the zodiac and reflect on how this resonates within us, as we in turn pass through the 8 arquetypes of our moon cycle.
Red Tent
The Red Tent is a sacred space to celebrate female cyclicity. We gather together in circle to nurture one another and share experiences about the different stages and challenges of womanhood.
We may sing, dance, drum and step into ancient myths to explore our emotions, feelings, thoughts and go inside our body temples to get in touch with who we truly are.