
By Jennifer Ramsay

Elder Tree: Folklore, Magic and Champagne

Elder Tree: Folklore, Magic and Champagne

The Elders (Sambucus Nigra) are in full blossom and their tiny creamy - white 5 petaled flowers are calling out to be noticed.  So, I’ve been investigating elder tree folklore and making some delicious elderflower champagne. 🌳The Elder was considered a sacred tree by...

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Nature Based Business Plan

Nature Based Business Plan

All too often business plans are focused on being productive. So much time spent on this productivity hamster wheel can easily lead to burn out and losing sight of the bigger picture. But there is an alternative, you can choose a natural, holistic more sustainable...

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Climate Cafe

Climate Cafe

Every day we hear news about, how climate and ecological change is impacting our world and will continue to impact our future. It affects us all. However, many people find it overwhelming and hard to talk about the situation, whilst others may want to talk about it...

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Moon Stories

Moon Stories

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to deepen my relationship with the moon, so the very first thing I did this year was create a moon calendar and look for new tales to add to my collection of moon stories. The moon has been with us since the very beginning of time,...

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The Stories that Want to be Told

The Stories that Want to be Told

Happy International Book Day We celebrate the International Book Day in Hoyo de Manzanares on April 23rd, 2020, at 18:00 h, with a session of storytelling via Zoom. The Stories that Want to be Told In Jennifer's house there are many stories that want to be told. They...

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Gestalt Therapy and Art Therapy Online

Gestalt Therapy and Art Therapy Online

During the coronavirus crisis you may be experiencing all types of emotions and finding it difficult to cope. As such, I am offering sessions of Gestalt therapy and Art therapy on line, via Zoom, Skype or telephone. The sessions are confidential and can be in English...

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